Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Spring officially starts on Friday.  My weather app has a big, fat snowflake next to Saturday, so I thought I'd take a peek at AccuWeather... they agree.

"Weather" or not Spring is going to cooperate, my Spring cleaning itch has hit with full force.  This is a tad surprising for me, because I'm currently battling a miserable cold.  My head is stuffed and pounding, my body is begging for a day of nothing but water and rest, but my nerves and brain are screaming to take a bulldozer to each room in a seemingly never ending effort to purge and simplify.

There is no middle ground here.

I started cleaning today.

I have it all mapped out, too.  Starting with the room furthest from the ultimate goal (the car for donations or the trash), at a pace of one room every one or two days, this house will see the end of clutter by the end of next week, so help me!

Coming at you as I progress will be before and after pictures.  I have to know that I had it all together at one point, right?

I'm also going to take notes of all improvements that need to be made as I go.  I can say, off the top of my head, that all baseboards and doors need repainting, and the wall over my bed needs patching, thanks to a certain toddler who stabbed it with a pencil because he was bored.  Ugh.

Maybe I should just lie down with a big glass of water.

1 comment:

  1. Dear girl, I just finished better than a week of doing just that, not from choice mind but still, and I can say that it won't improve your health physically but will rock. Prayers going out to you for stamina.
