Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Is Springing

While I have this tab open, intermittently tappity-tapping away in an effort to puke thoughts onto the screen, I have another tab open where I do my favorite online shopping of the year: SEED SHOPPING!!!

While I'm giving our big garden plans a hiatus for this year (sadness), I am bingeing hard on herbs.  There are the classics, like basil and oregano, but I'm also snagging some chamomile, stevia, lemon balm, and cilantro.  I don't know about you, but I fresh herbs is one of my absolute favorite things about summer.

I'm thinking lettuce needs to be in the mix as well, since I have tremendous luck with it on my porch.

Why the big garden hiatus?  Well, we put up a fence last summer...

Well hello there, handsome builder of fences!

I was a bazillion weeks pregnant at the time.

Well, the fence changed the shape of our property a bit, and gave us more space than we thought we initially had (no complaints about that!), so we are taking a season to pay close attention to drainage, sun exposure, and test the soil in spots to determine if we're going to go with raised beds or not.  We also need to mind the child/dog traffic to see if our plants will be safe from trampling.

Planning, planning, planning!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

In Which I Have A Quirk

This will be quick, as there is a baby on the loose and he is getting quicker by the minute!

Seriously, how can they spend all day
 begging to be held, and still manage
 to become like lightning on their own?!

Aaaaaaaanyway, my kids have learned my "trigger words."  There are two words in the English language that cause me to physically gag, and then a few that gross me out but don't evoke a physical reaction.  It has gone largely unnoticed by my husband and children until a few weeks ago.  Now they seem to enjoy tossing the words around once in a while to watch me recoil and lose all semblance of an appetite.  One time, they were so relentless that I almost cried.

I know... feel the love!

I've lost two pounds.  I think I'll market this "word aversion" approach to diet, make a bunch of money, then have the words expunged from the brains of my loved ones.  Yeah, that's the stuff!