Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lookin' On Up...

Today will be dedicated to making the house presentable for my MIL, who will arrive around noon on Saturday to help us next week when Kid #4 has surgery (nothing major, but sadly necessary).  Tomorrow will also be spent working on this venture.  And the last half of Friday...  and until we go to pick her up on Saturday.  Let's face it: it will probably be necessary.  

An inconvenient truth.

We'll be purging all along the way, which will cause the kids to have minor strokes.  After all:

And then Mommy has to sneak the stuff out in a donation bag.

I also am working on my eating.  I fell off the GF wagon, and I can feel it.  I wake up achey and tired, I have been moody and lazy, and I can't seem to shake the mental fog.  I'm restarting the GF efforts today, but I'm also cutting carbs in general.  I have to fly in a about a month, and one of my biggest not-so-irrational fears is the airline folks telling me I have to buy two seats for the size of my butt.  It happened to a college roommate of mine, and I've been terrified of it ever since I put on all the baby weight (from all four kids... combined).  Minding my cleaning and watching my eating...  all in one day...

True story, y'all!

I plan these things out, and they never work the way I want.  I wanted the upstairs to be gleaming and sterile on Monday, the living room to have intense attention on Tuesday, the kitchen to have all of Wednesday, laundry would be knocked out on Thursday, and the bathrooms would be sterilized on Friday alongside a quick pick-up in the house overall.

I managed to put a major dent in the laundry on Monday and Tuesday, and today will be spent getting the upstairs cleaned.  We started it yesterday, so hopefully it won't take the rest of the day.  I would like to start on the living room, which is in something of a desperate state.  If I don't get it done, I can always sit my MIL down in front of an episode of Hoarders and hope it has the same impact on her that it does on me:

Yes and yes, and you're welcome!

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to clean I go!


  1. You are my newest heroine! You actually let your MIL into your house? I did that once, I still haven't recovered and the therapy bills are killing us.
