Monday, September 30, 2013

The Upstairs: An Epic Battle

I suppose I should preface this post with the super-est awesome update: we're spending two weeks in Colorado!  In just over a week, we'll be touching down in Denver, climbing into my parents' van, and gleefully giggling the entire way back to Colorado Springs to spend two weeks staring at mountains, stargazing in minimal light pollution, picking apples in FloBabe's backyard, and climbing all over Avia and Ahee's house until they're desperate for us to leave.

That said, I have made it my unwavering mission to leave the house in near-spotless condition before we leave.  The Mister will be insanely busy while we're gone, so I want to make sure that the house is in stellar shape so that we can come back to it being in decent condition.

Instead of a list of tasks to complete, which the kids seem to respond to very well as far as chores are concerned, I've turned their list into something of an epic.  They will "conquer and imprison the toy army" and "send trash to the cave of no return."  Clothes will be "refugees gathered for renewal and relocation" while "captive toys" will be "freed" to the donation bag to find new homes.

I know, it sounds pretty lame, but guess who is upstairs this moment, stomping around like soldiers and wailing with battle cries as they fill up trash and donation bags?

The din is entirely worth it. :-)

1 comment:

  1. "A spoonful of sugar..." and all that jazz. I say whatever it takes to make it happen. Yesterday while picking up apples for cider Melissa and I kept Layn motivated by listing all the yummy things he was going to enjoy that could be made from those very same apples. We got two full loads yesterday and another two today. Say hey to your folks for me and enjoy your time away.
