Monday, May 12, 2014

A Rant

I was flipping through my usual online news sources when I came across the story of babies born with two faces, two brains sharing a brain stem, and a single body.  They are healthy, breathing on their own, eating, and born to a family who loves them just the way they are.  Mom and Dad are over the moon about their new addition and that they are doing really well for conjoined twins.

The comments section is inundated with remarks advocating for the death of these girls.  "They face a life of cruelty from others, so they should have been aborted" is the general consensus.

Just WHO is being cruel here?!?!

Have we degenerated so much as a people that any adversity is reason to die rather than rise above our circumstances?  Assholes calling for the death of these babies are precisely the assholes who are going to treat them miserably because they outright fail to see the value that these special little lives bring to the world.  No, they won't have it easy, but it will be no fault of their own, so why have them die for it?

Just who the hell do people think they are, pretending to be able to conclude that some people are better off dead than facing life in less-than-ideal circumstances?  I have heard people scream and yell about political "death panels" ushered in with Obamacare, yet they will advocate for circumstantial abortion with the same breath.  What is the difference?!

These girls were born into ideal circumstances, especially for their condition, and STILL people cry about the injustice of it all?

Let's advocate for the widespread acceptance of LGBT people, but if you're born with two faces, you ought to die, like, yesterday.  Nobody needs to see THAT.  Nice.

Things like this make me want to hurry up and have 10-12 more kids, just to counter balance the ignorance and sickness of this pervasive culture of death that would literally rather see children die violent deaths (I don't know how being burned alive and ripped to shreds within the womb is humane) than grow up in conditions that are sub-yuppy.  

May God have mercy on us all.

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