Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Update And Kid-isms

As there is never a quiet moment for proper reflection, meditation, and self-preservation, I've learned to take what I can "on the fly" during our days and laugh about them with my husband during our evenings.  I am not complaining at all, but rather I am ecstatic to be caught up in the whirlwind of our days, the craziness of these moments, and the fact that I have been blessed with laughter from the beginning of my life through today.

Today is a lesson in humility from my daughter:

Daughter: "Mommy, I was thinking..."
Me: (bracing myself)
Daughter: "I don't want a lot of presents for my birthday. All that My Little Pony stuff we talked about, clothes, dolls, even the books, I can do without all of that. I just want one thing..."
Me: (mentally high-fiving myself for the long awaited confirmation that my encouragement of a humble heart and simplistic living might actually be taking root in her beautiful little soul)
Daughter: "...a jetpack."
Me: (deep and depressed sigh, thanking God for keeping at least ONE of us humble...)

On an outing to the grocery store:

Upon seeing two little hispanic girls dressed in orange shirts and purple skirts:
Son #2: "Mommy!  Look!!!  Dora the Explorer has a twin!!!"

Daughter: (to an elderly woman) "Are you buying Jell-O because you're old?"

Son #3: "MOMMY!!!  I HAVE TO POOP!!!  I HAVE TO POOP RIGHT NOW!!!" (yes, full volume in the middle of a Memorial Day crush of fellow shoppers)

That is hardly the half of it, but it's all I can think of as the four of them run around behind me while I type, erupting with laughter and impossible numbers to rank how happy they are as compared to each other.

Update: The baby is due today.  This means absolutely nothing to me and the baby and my body, of course.  He's comfortable and happy, I'm puttering around making sure we are set for babysitting and meals in the extremely unlikely chance that he'll debut before my mom arrives next week.  I saw my OB today and she is more than happy to let my body do what it does without intervention of any kind.  The baby's heart rate is great, my blood pressure is pristine, I'm characteristically uncomfortable, and that puts everything at normal.  I go for a quick round of fetal monitoring tomorrow (fluid check, cord mapping, and general checking-in), though I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to have the baby on Ascension Thursday!  Still, I won't push it.

Today is met with another laundry blitz (yesterday's laundry blitz was gloriously successful!) and cleaning up of the boys' room, setting up the baby's bassinet, packing my hospital bag (maybe), and rejoicing in the rain that is due to shower us all afternoon.  Speaking of rain, I suppose I should transfer my seedlings before the rain begins...

Off I go!

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