Monday, May 5, 2014

Onward And Still Onward :-)

Much like last pregnancy, I have managed to find reasons to be tempted beyond tempting to schedule an induction and be done with it.

I won't.  I absolutely won't.  But I am sooooooo tempted!

All of these friends of mine who are due right around the same time as I am have had their babies.  Even a friend who was due a month AFTER me has had her baby.  She won't get to take her baby home until after I take ours home, and I don't envy her for that (her daughter was born at 26 weeks), but I'm feeling that insanely jealous tug to be among those who have gotten to meet, snuggle, and breathe in their babies.  Another was scheduled for a section in two weeks, but had her son last night.  GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!  Are you kidding me?!?!

One friend is due a week or two after me.  She's still pregnant, so I selfishly cling to her in my head, thinking she must be the only person on the planet who understands.  However, I'm convinced that she'll meet her baby before I meet mine.  

I know, poor Meghann and her first-world pregnancy problems.  

In a nutshell: I'm 37 weeks (about), baby is measuring 38 weeks, and my body is locked up like Ft. Knox.  Contractions continue off-and-on, but I plow through them.  My nesting instinct has crashed, so I have turned my attention to finishing up the kids' academic year for the school district, though we plan to continue light schooling through the summer in order to help establish a groove in the wake of the baby's arrival.  I'm hoping to have all of their paperwork turned in to the district by Friday next week.

They are diligent little workers, that's for sure:

He has officially mastered subtraction facts for the number 11.

The girl, still clad in her PJs, can't seem to get dressed until
after math is completed.

Sewing continues:

I did a gauze receiving blanket for the baby since he'll
be born during what is predicted to be a very miserable summer.
A swaddler is being made from the leftover material.

Mischief is still being managed:

I don't suppose I should be surprised...

Adding humor to an otherwise boring sensible lunch for John.
(He declared that I was the best wife ever.)

Fence planning is going very well.  My husband has been pouring through books from the library and setting up a good plan of execution.  We FINALLY found a source for pickets that are decently priced and made of decent wood.  That adventure alone was a two week ordeal.  Hopefully the rest will be a cake walk.  In the meantime, I'll be weeding the garden and transplanting our seedlings, doing homework on ideal outdoor paint for the fence, cleaning house (hoping to reignite the nesting), setting up appointments with optometrists and pediatricians, paying bills through next month, planning visits from and to family over the coming births/weddings/baptisms, and laundering cloth diapers and baby clothes.  

1 comment:

  1. I remember those days of wishing that the little nipper would get out of there already! (wait, strike that all but two of mine were premature...sorry) Hang in there girl you really want a fully cooked offspring not the underdone kind. Praying for you.
