Thursday, April 3, 2014

Birthday Plans!

My oldest will be 10 years old in three short days.



I do not feel like I have been a mom for ten years.  I feel like I wake up every morning surprised at all of the kids that reside in my home, and then I spend the day pretending to know what I'm doing in an effort just to get them to survive until the following day.  Wash, rinse, repeat.

To juxtapose that in whiplash-inducing fashion, my almost-10-years-old son is far smarter and wiser than most kids his age.  I am constantly blown away at his intellectual prowess and his innocent joy with regards to life in general.  I want to be like him when I grow up.

Being a giant science and sci-fi nerd, we have quite the nerdfest brewing for him:

This is the Tardis blanket I have in mind as my fingers
frantically crochet row by row.  It's looking like I won't
get it done in time, but I'll let him unwrap the progress
before I get back to cranking it out.

Here is the cake I'm planning on making.  Mine will undoubtedly
look far less professional and polished, but I'm positive that he'll
absolutely love it.

We also ordered Basher books for him.  Their topics 
range from history to grammar to science, the illustrations are
weird, but cute, and he is anxious to build on this particular
collection of his.  Physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and
others are wrapped and ready!

I know my parents have a phenomenal Star Wars Lego set ordered for him (Mom, it was too much, really, but thank you!!!  I know he'll lose his face about it!) and I plan on having John install a simple shelf (two L brackets and a pine plank) up in his top bunk so that he can keep his books and favorite toys handy rather than sleeping on a pile of them like he currently does, that stinker.

Pregnancy update: I'm "32 weeks" as of today. Yes, those quotations were intentional.  My due date is May 28th, but I'm not putting any money on that as I am perpetually late delivering these kids.  However, the past two days have brought a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions.  Last night got to the point where I was reaching for the phone and seriously considering a trip to the hospital.  Their intensity was the worst I have ever felt, but they were so rapid-fire and sporadic that I did little more than flop on the couch and breathe through them.  Four hours later, they completely stopped and I was able to go to bed on time.  My OB seemed unconcerned, as everything else (BP, weight, swelling, etc.) was normal.  I, therefore, am also fairly unconcerned.

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