Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This, That, And Others Still...

Nesting has hit with a vengeance this morning.  The fact that I'm sitting here blogging is figuratively killing me, but I promised my dad I'd update with various birthday pictures from our oldest's 10th.

I could be scrubbing toilets, Dad!  ;-)  But seriously, I'm all fidgety about getting cleaning done, so this may be a really sloppy post.  I didn't edit the pictures, so the lighting will be worse than usual.

The boy told us yesterday that he hadn't used the computer in two days, but he didn't mind because he was having the BEST DAYS EVER with all of his birthday loot.  I love that crazy kid!

Thank you so much, Ahee and Avia!
This is one happy guy!


And more booooooooooooooooks!!!

And more Lego sets, still! The boy was euphoric.

In the kitchen, the cake went like so:
In some stainless steel mixing bowls, I baked the cake.
You can't really tell by this picture, but I baked the yellow layer
in the orange layer, so the orange layer was bowl-shaped to the perfect
size to fit the yellow layer.

Both layers cooled while I mixed and dyed the frosting.

Again, you can't tell, but the orange layer is hollowed out.

Once I nested the two layers, I frosted the dome-ish shape
and did my best (and failed) to make recognizable continents.

Surprise!  Mantle and core layers!  The boy LOVED it.
It isn't half as pretty as the inspiration from my last entry,
but he didn't care.  He was enamored with it.
That was more than worth it.

Other wheelings and dealings lately:

My oldest was reading one of those Basher books on US Presidents.
He asked me if John Quincy Adams was the actor who played the first
Doctor Who.  I can totally see how he made that connection.
It's uncanny!!!

My youngest gave himself a chocolate pudding facial.
That face...  it kills me!

Oh, and he thinks "go to bed" is open to interpretation.

My food processor has known almost nothing else lately.

It's become my main source of sustenance for this pregnancy.

I love you, guacamole.  You understand me.

As for projects, I am anticipating a June baby and June in PA is a veritable sauna.  I shouldn't complain, as we are not as close to the equator as other friends and family, but humidity and I do not get along.  And with hormones swinging back into non-pregnant mode, I anticipate a summer spent perched over a register in my living room, positively living off of the AC being pumped into the house at a nearly abusively cold temperature.  In the spirit of preparation for having to actually leave the house with the new baby, I'm planning summer-friendly swaddlings for the baby, thanks again to Pinterest.

The source link is also where the insanely easy tutorial is.

I'm eyeballing this gauze over at, 
as well as the lime and apple and dark ivory colors.

Ok, that's enough.  If I don't start cleaning, I may actually start pulling my hair out.  Room #1 on the list is our bedroom.  It is almost always the last room I get to, if it isn't outright ignored entirely.  Not today.  Books will be packed or relocated to other shelves, dusting will happen, windows cleaned, walls washed, sheets laundered, clothing purged and donated, blinds cleaned, room made for the baby, ALL OF THE THINGS!!!!  Before and after pictures may be pending, but we'll see if I can even remember to take them before diving into this thing.

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