Monday, April 28, 2014

To The Octave And Beyond!

When on Earth did life get to be so crazy?!  Easter seemed like a hit and run, filled with great food and low key enjoyment, but everything since Easter Sunday has been a marathon of non-stop things that need doing!

Firstly, obligatory Easter pictures:
(Sadly, they're mostly food.  Louis looked smashing in his three piece gray suit, but putting it on him was a nightmare wrestling match complete with both of us crying and trying to convince the other about the importance/non-importance of pants.  Maria looked lovely in a cream colored dress she was gifted when she was a flower girl in John's cousin's wedding, but I managed to miss pictures of that as well.  The two older boys got ready in a rush, having taken advantage of Mommy and Daddy being busy trying to get the other two kids spit-shined in time for Liturgy.)

Firstly, we made coconut milk to use in various recipes.

After piercing the coconut, it was drained into the processor.

Then the coconut was split, scraped, and everything but the 
shell went into the processor with the coconut water.


And boom, a lovely specimen of coconutty goodness
(after some straining, of course, but I wasn't a stickler about it).

With the leftover manna/milk mix that didn't fit into the jar...

...we tossed in some frozen fruit and raw honey...

...and had frozen "yogurt" for intermittent snacking 
through the impending bake-a-thon.

Finally, onto the Pascha bread, which is a sweet bread made with
eggs that goes into our basket for blessing after Liturgy.

The obligatory nutrolls, which are understated and delicious.

We interrupt the food for some hair!
HAHA, that sounds gross, but it's just how the girl
wanted her hair done up for Liturgy.  She called it her
"princess hair."

Happy Easter morning, eggs benedict!  You were delicious!!!

And lamb chops for dinner are a tradition for our little family.
Rubbed with little more than a garlic/rosemary/salt/pepper/olive oil paste,
they are simple and truly amazing.

Mashed sweet potatoes were specifically requested by the kids.

Shortly thereafter, we were invited back to our friends' farm to check out the goings-on:

Her cuteness meter exploded and she practically crawled
into the box to see the new baby bunnies.

They were painfully cute, even when they peed on my oldest.
They fit, quite literally, into the palm of your hand!

We also saw the new group of meat chicks.  They look like they will be very delicious.  And the lambs are all getting to be huge... and delicious-looking. :-)

I managed to get a few stitches worked into all the craziness:

This is the beginning of a jersey knit maxi dress for the duration of
my pregnancy and into post-partum "I'm dressed, leave me alone" time.
It starts simply, with a giant "pillow case" of fabric.

Cut at the center of the top fold to create a back-and-front V neck.

Too easy.

You then clip off a 9+ inch section on the side seams for each arm.

I then tacked on this white cotton lace that I got many years ago
from my mother-in-law while in SC.  However, after trying it on
and conferring with my mother and sister-in-law via text message,
we decided the lace was too much.  Time to hit the fabric store
for a less matronly alternative.

We've kept up with schooling, shockingly enough, and have ventured into the science of human reproduction in the interest of keep up with the baby's development.  My oldest latched onto this with true fascination and immediately got to work developing Lego visuals to complete the picture:

Here are the sperm and the egg.

One of the sperm infiltrates and a person begins.

This is an embryo in a tiny placenta.
This kid is BEYOND creative!

We also ventured into the "naked egg" experiment.
The shell was dissolved in vinegar and everyone thought
it was really neat.

To boot, we've managed to keep the kids active and inquisitive:

Daily piggyback rides?  Yes and please!

You can tell who gets the better end of these deals...

And this kid is just a sweetheart anyway.

Impish grin and a pair of shoes is all this kid needs 
to conquer the world.

Run and play, sit and pose, it's all the same!

Time to swing!

We need to work on our form, but you get the idea.

We were there just as the nightcrawlers began to emerge.
Playing with worms?  What little kid wouldn't?

One last glimpse:

This kid is already giving his little brother gifts, which more or less
means he finds something he likes, stuffs it under my shirt by my belly,
and exclaims: "It's for baby John!"
Today, it was a blue baby shoe.

Back to real life, filled with quotes for fence materials, eye appointments, garden transplanting, more schooling, end-of-the-academic-year wrap up, baby prep, house cleaning, meal planning, library fine "walk of shame," grocery runs, budgeting, car maintenance, and soooooooo much more!

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