Saturday, August 10, 2013

Oh Saturday, You're Here Again!

While the hubs is off giving a talk on NFP, I have big plans to clean.  The kids are finishing up breakfast slowly, hoping to squeeze every last moment of freedom from their morning before I begin cracking the whip of motivation.

Though, to be honest, the house isn't in terrible shape.  I'm betting that we can be done before lunch if they don't drag themselves around like zombies.

It's SO CUTE how my daughter feigns injustice with the list of things that need to be done.  Right now, she's giving me the stink eye because I cleaned the bathroom last night.  "I wanted to scrub the tub," she's growling.  Well, sweetheart, take that energy and put it into picking up your room.  Oh the horrors, right?

If the house is in order in time, I promised to take them out for lunch.  It's as much of a reward for me as it is for them because the house will be clean, I won't have to cook, and then I can come home and sew!

Oh, yeah, get this: I have been working slowly-but-surely to get the computer to the sewing desk so that we can get rid of the office desk and arrange the living room in a more pleasing way.  Since I wasn't sewing much, I figured it was a good plan.  Well, the kids have shown an interest in learning and some minor projects and repairs have been happening.  Wouldn't it figure that the machine would get more use once I made major strides to evict it from its home?


Well, time to slay this beast.  Though, let's be serious, it'll be back by tomorrow at the very latest.

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