Monday, July 22, 2013

A "Meme Collection Reflection" on Health

I do not like to run.  I do not like it, Sam-I-am.

It's more like "I came crawling back sobbing after 2 minutes," but you get the idea.

"Top shelf" margs, no less!

And even that would be after careful consideration of the possible pain endured at the hands of what's chasing me vs. the pain and effort of running.  Seriously.

Probably your best bet.  And mine.

Truth, truth, and still more truth.  Ask my fabulously fit, El Salvadoran sister-in-law.

But it's not like I don't work out ever.  I like to lift when I'm feeling particularly guilty about last night's intake of gluten free cookies (which are awesome enough to feature as Tasty Tuesday's recipe tomorrow).  I like to walk early in the mornings.  I like to plank...  sometimes...

Through all of this, I like to think I'm becoming more and more health conscious.  I've torn through science journals and articles on the effects of the agricultural revolution on overall human health.  I'm not anti-agricultural (hello, I'm trying to convert my entire front yard into an edible garden before next season), but I am worried about the widespread dependency on convenience foods and over-processing of otherwise healthy staples.  I'm also trying to temper my zealous crusade on all things food-related with practicality and common sense to avoid the yo-yo trap, which has aided my aversion to working out in keeping me sidelined in FatAssville.  Well, that, and the translation that is lost somewhere between my eyes and my stomach...

True story, folks!

Luckily for me, some healthy choices have been turned into healthy habits:

And one more for my spectacular cache of offensive jokes!

1 comment:

  1. After reading you why would I bother to write anything ever again? Your humor is nice and dry and witty just the way I like my white wines (and men). There is more to working out than doing purposeless exercises. For instance all the lawns I mowed today were the result of a good workout. Now I think I will get some potato chips and some high fructose corn syrup to reward myself.
