Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday's What Now?

As soon as this post closes, I'm blowing off work and cleaning this house.  I have a Spotify music list ready to crank, the TV will be unplugged, and snacks will be administered 5 minutes before blitz time.

Tomorrow, a friend is coming over with her teenaged son and we're going to spend the morning cooking.  She's interested in doing gluten free, but she's a single, working mother, so we're going to give a few "convenience" foods a shot at making the regular menu.  We're going to try our hands at breakfast muffins (eggs, veggies, and meat baked in muffin tins), paleo biscuits and tortillas (coconut flour for the win!), BBQ pulled chicken, cave ketchup, paleo bread (almond flour, FTW!), and we'll give "riced cauliflower" a whirl.

Then I'll be preparing the house for a visit from a friend from grade school.  We had the most amazing chance meeting shortly after I had Kid #1.  My husband was doing some research for his Masters Degree, so I walked with him to get out of the house and take our new baby to get some sunshine.  A woman stopped me in the hall and began cooing over our newborn.  Then a small gaggle of twenty-somethings surrounded me to see the baby.  One of these girls remarked, "Aw, he looks just like my son with that blonde hair and blue eyes!"  I looked up and was utterly stupefied to see Loretta, a girl I haven't seen since the 8th grade, looking as gorgeous as ever.  I, in all my surprise, blurted out, "Oh my gosh!  Are you Loretta?!?!"  She was surprised I knew her, but once I told her who I was, we had a tremendous laugh at the mind-blowing chance of it all.  I spent that afternoon at her house, catching up with her and her mom, who was there to help with the baby.  

We attended grade school in Colorado for three years together before the Air Force moved her family out to Ohio or Virginia.  We lost all contact with one another until that day (almost 9 years later!) in a small Ohio college, and we've managed to stay in spotty contact ever since.  Well, her family is in DE, about an hour south of us, so we're finally getting our families together.  It should be fun!

But, before I can get all excited and finalize any of those plans, I have to get the place cleaned.  Cue the music!

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