Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Did You Catch That?

Did you see that I posted a "Thursday's Thoughts" last Wednesday?  Yeah, that's how things are going.


Anyway, today is going to be full of phone calls to our medical providers for ID numbers.  I'm filling out paperwork to switch up our insurance plan.  It's tedious, but completely doable.  The most frustrating part about all of this is that we get to spend the upcoming year scrambling for coverage to buy as my husband's Catholic company makes tough decisions in light of Obamacare.  This may also lead to having to switch medical and dental providers, which may totally throw our budget and schedules off the rails as our coverage and impending surgery plans change.  Note my enthusiasm...

I also have to crank out some work for the mister's office.

Days like this find my kids being babysat by the TV.  I hate that.

I'm so grateful for the work, and even more grateful that they are a family-friendly company who understands that I spend a good chunk of my days just trying to keep the kids alive until tomorrow.  My husband must talk a super-sweet game about me at work, because the people at his office love to compliment me on the amazing job I do at home and with the kids and for the office.  My response is usually one of confused gratitude and we laugh together.  They laugh at my clueless humility and I laugh because they must be insane to think I have it together.

Most of my days are like trying to tame a troop of kangaroos on meth.

For example: there is a pile of laundry on the couch that has been folded FOUR times.  I get about half of the load folded before catastrophe hits in the form of a butt needing wiping or a snack needing providing.  I go and put out that particular fire, only to return and see Kid #(any) has made him/herself a nest of fluffy clothes in which to nap.  I'm faced with the internal dilemma of letting them sleep (hooray for free time for me!!!) or waking them up and correcting their behavior while they wail about the injustices they endure at the hands of their mother.

Nap.  Always.  Wins.

And I haven't stopped the flow of laundry, so some gets folded, more appears, it all gets messed up, and repeat.  My husband did the dishes the other day.  I saw an empty sink for the first time in weeks!  Don't get me wrong, the dishes are in a constant state of doing and there are always clean dishes for our needs, but the rotation of cupboard-to-table-to-sink-to-dishwasher-to-cupboard NEVER ends, much like our laundry.

One of these days, for a very brief and sparkling moment, everything will be done!  Until then, I'd better keep truckin'.

1 comment:

  1. It will all be done when you are my age and the kids are leaving home. Then what are you going to do? I'll tell you, have the grandkids over and start all over again. Enjoy it while you are in the middle of it.
