Monday, June 24, 2013

Meme Time Again

Sometimes, when you want to feel like you got something accomplished in a bid to add fuel to the motivational fire, you have to dig deep.  :-)

Today, however, procrastination is not an option.  I have enacted our grocery budget overhaul and I'll spend time this morning hacking whole chickens into pieces, mixing marinades, bagging, labeling, researching recipes, and hoping that it stretches as far as I want.  I also need to make yogurt, process coconut flakes into flour, and crank out some tortillas.  If I'm not totally disgusted with the state of the kitchen at that point, I'll can some beans.

Tonight, our priest will be offering Mass for the soul of John's grandmother.  If the whole day falls apart, it will seem like peanuts in light of getting to spend the evening in Mass, praying for a woman who was truly amazing.

UPDATE: I got all but the breasts of one of the chickens chopped up and marinating.  Those breasts will be dinner tomorrow.  I'm thinking Lime Chili Chicken on a bed of pepper strips and a side salad with tequila lime vinaigrette.  We'll see tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. If all is done in a spirit of love and sacrifice you will have accomplished more than the woman who has a family and career but complains all the while. Bless you. I will pray and work along side you.
