Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What's on the Menu? It's Tuesday!

So, I have some lime chili chicken on the brain, and some tequila lime salsa (I bought a bag of limes and I need to use them ASAP), but I'm beginning to question my decisions for such a cookie-cutter approach to blogging.  After all, spontaneity is the spice of life, yes?  I'll have to mull this over while I marinate the chicken.

I'm not going to post a recipe because I want to put a picture with it.  Alas, my camera remains un-repaired and un-replaced.


  1. There is nothing cookie cutter to your life!!! Keep blogging kiddo! I love those glimpses into the Harden household.

    1. Honestly, reading Big Guy's blog entry this morning made me think, "Ugh, this stuff I'm writing is SUCH fluffy nonsense!" I'm still going to blog, but I may do away with memes on Monday, recipes on Tuesday, etc. I still don't think I'll be as deep, but I may want to be a little more introspective with the craziness around here day-to-day. :-)
      Oh, and I got the wheat belly book from the library and I think it may change my life. I have been eating paleo-ish for three days and I already feel SOOOOOO much better!
